Someone took a sledgehammer to my legs

Last night was on the grim side as the effects of being poisioned kicked in. It felt as if my legs had been pounded by a sledgehammer and they ached mightily. It came as a bit of a surprise as I thought I was doing alright. I lazy evening of television culminating in England beating Italy at rugby, no surprise there,then off to bed via the meds. My legs ached and burned and I did not know what to do with them, I was tired but sure as hell not geting to sleep. I know my Fitbit sleep score was going to be poor in the morning and it was: 69 Fair. Fortunatey my partner, with great anticipation, had bought me one of those gel filled mats to cool large pet dogs down to counter my hot flushes. It saved me. The delicious cool mat enveloped my legs and eased them enough for me to drift in a out sleep.

Normal wear and tear!

The last time I saw my oncologist, a man who bears the name of someone who made a pact with the devil, but I cann’t hold that against him, he showed me my bone scan. There were the three spots on my spine and the bit around my hips, all to be expeceted with a diagnosis of “advanced” cancer, however when he looked at my legs he stated “that’s just normal wear and tear.” Its the normal wear and tear that burned like hell last night. If thats the case I think I am probably stuffed. I shall be clinging to my gel mat from now on.

My new best friend for the normal wear and tear.
A diversion, Swedish postal service.

In an unusal fit of organisation I managed to find out what my son wanted for his birthday, furthermore I actually managed to order it, and arrange for it to be delivered to Stockholm. Not a random location as he lives there with his partner and my two lovely grandchildren. Result I think and then the kind Mr Amazon sends me a message. “Post DK couldn’t deliver your package”. My son has heard nothing from Post DK. What is going on I ask myself. This is not the first time swedish postal services have created problems. For an evolved nation you think they would manage to have a reliable postal system but it appears they have never been able to get to grips with the concept. I have a theory. Have you ever looked at a map of stockholm and the surrounding country? Its all ponds. Say no more.

The rest of the day

The rest of this day has been focussing on the ordinary. The simple things like taking my drugs, self injection, and having a bath before I begin to attract foxes and badgers. It takes an effort to make myself go out and do things, like visiting a garden centre, buying clothes and some low level gardening, but mostly at the moment its getting my head around whether I will sleep tonight and if my legs will burn, and of course what am I going to do about my sons missing birthday present. Tomorrow, its time to go to the gym and burn some of this fat off of me and some of the poision out of me.