“What you have waited for

all your life

your self

some thing that shines

your real self


Buddha Maitreya 09-12-12

Today was the visit to the Pure Land Meditation Centre and Japanese Garden. Outside of Newark and tucked away in a small village this little gem is a delight. The creation of one man, Maitreya, who started the transformation of a flat field in 1980 into a charming and tranquil Japanese garden that includes the worlds first crystal garden. I have not got the words to describe how it actually is so I have included a gallery below.

The crystal garden

The garden is a real find with alsorts of hidden places to explore and be surprised by. Everywhere there are places to sit and contemplate, an ideal place to reflect and to take a mental breath. It is full of quiet and peace,except for what can only be described as an ass hole. I use the term in a philosophical sense as described by Aaron James in his book Ass-holes. A Theory.

James describes a type of person who he claims does not fit into the personality disorder categories but who live as if they have a divine right to have their needs met to the exclusion of anyone else. The ultimate entittled person, by their own judgement. As we sat quietly in one of the bamboo shelters looking out over the fish pools we were treated to a constant commentary of a young woman to a small child encourage him to do things so that her photographer companion could snap away. This poor child was encouraged to play with things and pose. The child was offered money to perform and chivved along and told to smile. All of this in a high sqeaky voice that shatterd the quiet and was a constant itrritant. The woman totally unaware of others around her endeavouring to enjoy the would be peace and quiet. Thankfully the trio left and the garden’s quiet returned.

The day overall was good, my only cause for concern was that I have yet to get rid of my shedding beard with the result that I appear like a molting dog, leaving a trail of my coat wherever I stop. So tonight I shall grit my teeth and take the clippers to myself and appear a changed person when I rock up for my next bloods to be taken at the GP tomorrow. Then it will be a free weekend before I find out if I am to move onto cycle two of the chemo.

I find this a difficult time as I catch myself seeking and looking forward to distractions. European football tonight but more promisingly, the Rugby World cup starts tomorrow. As a Leicester Tigers session ticket holder I’m looking forward to the tournament. There is something about a game where at some points you can hear a pin drop and at others the imapact of high speed athletic colision, which in turn brings the gasps of the crowd. I am hoping that this will get me through the second and third chemo cycles. Most of all I miss my friends and colleagues. My travel and work opportunities have been restricted of late and as a result opportunities to meet up with people for a meal or a chat. Its the not being able to know how I am going to be that makes me wary of making arrangements, its partly a confidence issue but also the unpredictability of my response to treatment. I shall see how the first few days of cycle two goes and then perhaps be bolder.