Fight on

Wednesday and I wake quite early for me and read more chapters of The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August. Its about a man who lives and dies over an over into the same life but retaining the memories of each life from the moment of his birth. So each time he is born he is fully conscious as an adult of all his previous lives. Its a disturbing but intriguing read so far and I have a feeling that there is far more to come. I get up and find my eldest has camped in the lounge with her breakfast boiled eggs, which smell appalling, so I shoo her out of the lounge. I take my morning meds, clear the kitchen and put my washing in, it is then that I discover we have run out of honey. I dress and go to the village shop and then onto the village café for a full breakfast. In order to do the crosswords I borrow a pen and then sit reading, eating and fathoming the crossword. On my way back I meet my partner going to the doctors and we make a quick plan of action for the expected visitors. Once home I hang out my washing and start to do the days admin.

Its just chores then until I drop off a bag of shirts and suits to Age UK and pop into the chiropodist to change my appointment next week. By the time I get home more death admin has arrived. My new book from Amazon arrives, Newton’s The System of the World. Its a slim volume and I set about reading it. Clearly Newton was a bit on the bright side, I get lost in the maths but I now get how tides work. I go shopping and get additional goodies for tonight’s tea and tomorrows birthday celebrations. By now I am tired and its a drift into the evening as I find out my youngest daughter is not coming today but is going to arrive tomorrow. An evening of pizza, TV football and drafting the blog. It feels like I am doing everything except train. This feels like survival but I shall make sure I moisturise before I go to sleep tonight, its part of my radiotherapy preparation. Life is becoming more weird.