Fight on

Tuesday and the Bank Holiday nonsense is over and its back to work for the rest of the household while I drink coffee and read in bed before getting up for breakfast. Once up and dressed I attend to some basic email stuff and some general life admin before I begin to think about training. In my Sparta state I am pressed to train earlier in the day to ensure I fulfil my training requirements. By noon I am in the garage and strapped onto to the rowing machine and ready to go, with Composer of the week in my ears. Today, William Walton. I pull for an hour burning 800+ calories and going 13+ kilometres. Its a good session following on from yesterdays effort in the gym.

Yea 13+ kilometres, that’s a good session.

I change and prepare chicken soup for lunch, no roll note. Its time to go to the Shed but before I do I notice that the Iris in the front bed have come out so take a picture of it. There is a profusion of nature going on in my garden that is quietly getting on with it.

Nature us just magnificent.

I get to the Shed and sit and write letters for a while. I’ve got a new stock of butterfly stickers which I liberally apply to the letters. My ink supply has run out and I need to open my new bottle of drawing ink but before I can do that I must rinse out and clean my triple ink well and refill flask. Its a messy and job but I get it done and successfully fill my inkwell with the new ink, I try my five most used pens adn find the new ink flows well with all of them. I close the Shed up and walkover to the post box to send my letters on their way. I’m reading when the garden guy turns up so I make him coffee, pay him and move the car of the drive so he can load up some wood. With the bin out for tomorrows collection I am once again on the sofa reading Sophie’s World. I am up to the Indo Europeans now and the philosophy is getting a bit more subtle. A friend rings on her way to shopping after a day of overseeing cake making, its a education strike day so there are children to be occupied. We chat briefly before I get the call that my evening meal is ready.

My evening starts with a meal and then I move the car back to the drive and settle down on the recliner to read a bit more and to start drafting the blog. Now its all about waiting for Tesco to deliver and trying to get an early night, my head is already thinking about tomorrows exercise session. At the moment I am planning the gym. The evening is a challenge, I crave sweet stuff but its not part of my getting ready for radiotherapy. I also have to resist the urge to “graze”. I know its driven by boredom, or in other words “my needs are not being met” so I keep busy and try to feed my brain in other ways. So tonight there will be Tesco, reading, blogging, Murder in the First, a great deal of moisturising and self care before bedding down.
