Happy May Day, its the day Rocket and I go to Sparta in our quest for Radiotherapy readiness, although I suspect it will be a road of many bumps and temptations. I wake up with my new knew cushion nestled between my knees adn it feels comfortable and good. I declare my knee cushion a good buy and a new boon to me getting a better nights sleep. My partner brings me coffee and we chat before getting up. There are bacon bagels for breakfast before my partner starts to pursue her to do list and I head for the garden.

The garden is beginning to burgeon with growth and looks quite verdant, however the bird feeders are empty as is the squirrel feeder. I refill the feeders and check the hedgehog canteen. I have a pang of glumsiness as I find the food I put out untouched. Does this mean that my hedgehog has gone. They are creatures of habit so it could be that the hedgehog is dead. I remove the food and will decide later to put more out once I have checked the garden camera. The camera confirms that the hedgehog is still alive but not visiting as frequently, perhaps there is more natural food available as Spring develops. What I do have is a lot of footage of a fox, its visiting about once a week now, probably attracted by the smell of hedgehog food. The squirrels are also camera stars as they pat down each of the excavations that they make.

Its time to go to the gym so I gather up my kit and prepare my bag. I drive my partner and I to the gym, buy water for the session, forget to take my bottle off the counter adn go to the changing rooms. Once on the gym floor I select a cross trainer and get myself going on an hour long session. I’m going for a full session for the first time in a long time and I am not sure how it will go. I plug Rammstein into my ears loudly and set off at a steady pace. By the end of the session I am tired and very sweaty but triumphant in the feeling of completion. Its a good first session in the new era of Sparta. I’ve burnt in excess of 650 calories and gone 6.9 kilometres, I am happy with that, so is my fitness App, which tells me my PAI score is 200 and that I have earned the maximum of 75 PSI points I can earn in a single day. Never done that before, so well pleased. I go to change and to shower.

A good first 65 minute session.

Once changed and showered I am in the lounge having a large black coffee waiting for my partner. We drink and compare notes on our sessions. I’m ready to go home and my partner surprises me with the suggestion that we go to the nearby Italian restaurant for tea. We walk across and get a booth where we order ourselves an indulgent meal. The meal is good but there comes a point where I need a piss and this is a worry. Having had a longer session on the cross trainer than I have had for a while I am not sure how my body will respond. It’s in this situation that I have pissed blood before so I go to the toilet with some anxiety. To my relief (excuse the pun) there is no sign of blood. It makes such a difference to my confidence for future sessions and means I should be able to row for an hour tomorrow. The bill comes. Its a card only, no cash restaurant and the fuckers have put on 10% service charge automatically. I hate that, it feels like taking the piss even though the bill says its at my discretion. They rely on people just paying it. We tell them to take the service charge off and they bring us a new bill. I wave a card and then press a fiver into the waitress’s hand telling her that its for her. We leave and I drive us home.

Once home and I sort out my kit, hang my towel out to dry and settle down to write the days blog. I do this as the final of the world snooker championship is taking place. Luca Brecel the Belgium looks odds on to beat the Leicester boy Mark Selby. Its going to be a down beat evening as I have no spoons left to spend today. Already my head is in tomorrow, the need to train, diet and be in Sparta mode. Tonight of course I must remember to moisturise my gut, there are only potentially 17 moisturising days to the Radiotherapy oncology appointment.

In the midst of Sparta remember this.