Fight on.

Saturday, its a slow start. Coffee and a bacon sandwich for breakfast and my fortnightly ritual of filling my drug wallets for the coming weeks. I clear the car of snow and then drive myself and partner to the garden centre to food shop for the next couple of days.

Before I know it I am in the monthly poetry Statnza zoom meeting. I spend two hours listening to and talking about the poetry that people have presented. In the midst of this public forum I realise with horror that my poem that I have proudly thought contained no “e” in fact contained two. Once again I had fallen foul of of my dyslexia. I had to publicly declare my poem a failure and a botched experiment. Such is the life of a dyslexic. The days post brings my can of E45 moisturiser with which I plan to pre-empt the soreness side effect of radiotherapy. Also in the post are a couple of condolence cards. It reminds that there is still admin to do around my sisters death. I reflected that many of her peers are older and infirmed and will not be able to attend the funereal in person. I decide to explore the possibility of “Zooming” it with the funereal directors and the crematorium. It needs to be done quickly so that I can send the link out if its possible.

I sit and watch England get thrashed by the French at rugby. Its a dismal display. The family sit down to a roast dinner before sinking into the evening and a Luther film. The football highlights tonight were just that, no presenters or pundits due to the Lineker controversy going on. Strange how a government objects to people suggesting they may be using language redolent of 1930s Nazi sentiments. Good to see his colleagues have stood by him. I draft the blog and then go to bed with the thought of a free day before me.

The above and the below change constantly despite the allusion of permanency