Wednesday and the sun shines, I feel instantly perkier and get up for breakfast, coffee and my morning meds. My rising goes unnoticed so a little later my partner brings me another coffee mistakenly thinking that I am still in bed. I empty the dishwasher and check my messages and emails. I am sunshine energised so plan a trip to the gym. Kit packed I drive to the gym. Once there I get up on to the gym floor and set a cross trainer up for a 55 minute session. Today I have got Rammstein in my ears, loud and driving which makes the time go by quickly. Its a good session and I burn off 500+ calories over 5+ kilometres.

After my good session I shower and find a comfortable space in the lounge and settle down to a large coffee and egg and bacon bun. I spend time catching up with messages and writing my up to date to do list. A friend sends me a picture of her in her back brace which looks like a super hero outfit. I drive home via a local garden centre. I had thoughts about buying plants for my stock of garden pots but when I wandered round the centre I was not inspired. I came away empty handed and thinking that I would sew more seeds in the green house and grow more of what I want. Once home I update my training and diet journal and watch the end of a snooker match.

My partner returns from seeing her mother and we drift into the evening with a meal, a quick check on the hedgehog food state and then I indulge in another European football match. I need to find a new book to read to rescue me from TV and football. I shall go to my bed tonight having taken my night meds and hoping that tomorrow brings me sunshine, it makes such a difference to me.