Fight on

It is Tuesday and I have a Four Weddings and a Funeral moment when I wake up to find it is 10 o’clock. I wasn’t expecting that. Just as I am emerging my partner brings me coffee. I bumble around for a bit before making myself a fried egg sandwich and more coffee to wash down my meds. The sofa providers ring to say they cannot deliver our new sofa tomorrow due to sick van drivers. That is so disappointing but we reset the date for Wednesday next week. There is some post to deal with including some items related to my sister’s estate so there is a mini flurry of emails between me and the solicitor.

A some point I pop outside to recycle some papers and notice an array of new flowers that have come out in the sunshine. It constantly amazes me how one day there appears to be nothing and then the next there is a profusion of blooms. Of course I reached for my phone and took pictures.

Lunchtime comes round and I graze and down more coffee before heading for the Shed. I have a missed call, which is always a surprise as I am usually welded to my phone. The Shed has a surprise for me. Out of nowhere a peacock butterfly flaps about. I get pictures but then the butterfly proves to be difficult to get out of the Shed. Eventually I guide it out into the world. Its a lovely creature. I’m hoping for more to appear.

This is the first time I have been in the Shed for a while so I settle in and prepare to write when a friend calls. It is a lovely surprise and we chat for quite a while as she drives home with a new TV. My friend sounds “springish” and is happy that she may soon return to work after a tiring battle with long term COVID. There are signs that eventually her body is beginning to recover its powers of renewal. This good news and been a long time coming so I am really pleased for her. We say farewell and I return to my writing and working. My letters complete I lock up the Shed and take a short walk to the post office to send my missives on their way.

Back home I start up the laptop and begin to draft the blog to the background of the world snooker championships. Tonight there will be European football, and not a lot else, except of course last minute meds.

Spring has sprung and everything grows.