Fight on

Sunday, a day of rest but first their is the Sunday weigh in. Crucial this week as this has been the first week of concerted effort both in terms and exercise and diet. I step onto the scales and await the outcome. I look down anxiously, no change would be very dispiriting. It is 97.6 kilos. Yippee. That’s down 1. 3 kilos this week. Its a good start and encouraging. The maintenance of the effort will be the true challenge. There is time for a short read as the time has leapt forward today as its the start of summer time .

Breakfast is a simple muesli affair before my partner and I have a face to face call with our youngest daughter and her partner. It is the first time we have talked to them since they discovered that they are having a boy in July. Overly influenced by Terry Pratchett books I’ve decide that my grandson to be will be called Dangerous Beans, at least until he puts in an appearance in due course. There are chores done, including ordering flowers for my son’s partner whose birthday is tomorrow, and then I and my partner go to the gym, she to train and me to shower and read. I sit reading Touch and sipping black coffee, and so the afternoon passes. My partner re-emerges and we drink more coffee and nibble toast and jam. My toast being donated to me. I drive us home in time for the England v Ukraine European qualifier.

The evening starts with an England win, a beef stew and a start to the drafting of the blog. Its going to be a slow evening that will end with more reading, night meds and me going to bed hoping not to have to get up more than three times in a single night. Thinking about what I am going to say at my sister’s funeral on Friday is still keeping me awake at night. Tomorrow I will give myself Shed time to think about it properly.

Every step makes our own luck.