Fight on

Thursday and I wake up feeling quite dozy. I get up and make toast and coffee, which I finish in time to move my car so my partner can go to see her mother. I check the hedgehog feeding station and to up the food before I set about my admin chores. So I write to the funeral director and include an SD card with materials for the funeral presentation. I run off copies of the solicitors terms and conditions that my daughters need to sign and send back to the solicitor. It all sounds straight forward but by the time I have juggled a printer and sorted out copies its almost lunchtime. A quick trip to the post office to get my documents in the post for delivery tomorrow and I am back home with a mug of soup and settle down with Terry Pratchett’s The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rats. I start and do not put it down till I’ve finished it.

The book is excellent and is another example of just how brilliant Terry Pratchett is at satire and social comment. My partner and I try to go and walk a local park but as we got out of the car the heavens opened and we retuned to the car and then home. Disappointed that I’ve missed out on a walk I get ready to train. I grit my teeth and get into my kit and make my way to the garage. I strap into the rower and hesitate as to how long the session is going to be. In the end I set the session for an hour. Its a hard session and more than once thought about shortening but in the end ground it out.

Not quite 800 calories, shows I’m fatigued.

I record the session and then settle down to eat tea and start the blog but not before ordering Claire North’s Touch. England play Italy in the European qualification match. I’m on the sofa preparing to be disappointed.

Well that’s a turn up for the books, England win in Italy. I finish todays blog entry as I feel tiredness coming on fast. I take my night meds and retreat to bed in the hope of sleep and recovery. I’m still trying to regain my rhythm and a routine, apart from the exercise and diet I need some Shed time to seriously think what am going to say at my sisters funeral in a weeks time. Its of a preoccupation but come the 1st of April it will be done and I will be heading towards radiotherapy, hopefully.

Universe oh universe.