Thursday and I wake. I drink coffee and finish reading Perfume. Breakfast and meds follow and then I go to the Shed. It feels an age since I was in my Shed. I light the scented candles, turn the heater on and begin to write letters. I am at my writing table for the morning until my partner entices me back to the house with bacon sandwiches. All morning it snows as I sit and write.
The bacon sandwich goes down a treat. I return to the Shed in time to take a call from a friend. We chat for a while and catch up with our situations. It is good to hear someone outside the family and to hear about others lives. I return to writing letters until I can no more. I pack the Shed up and return to the house and go to the post office to send my letters on their way and to stock up on treats. Back home I read the paper and do the crosswords before selecting which poem I am going to take to the Poetry Stanza on Saturday. I am feeling slightly disconnected and select a poem that I wrote as an exercise. I decided to write a poem without the letter “e” in it and let my unconscious decide on the content. I ended up with a typically bony Roland poem about radiotherapy, I think.
My radio All knobs and dials FM loud and proud Blasts out And blastomas. Its slaying a tumour Its wild and a rumour that pill and potion Are in commotion. Rock and rollology Biology and physiology Burn, scar and cullolgy On my radiology. So go man go And scorch away, Tomorrows so Another day. Old and gay, I could spit This cutting ray This drill bit Sunk within My skin, Is no mix, ain’t no fix.
I send my poem off into cyber space and then I settle down to an evening of football, tuna pasta and finally to draft the blog. I feel that I have done little but feel exhausted and full of stuff washing around in side me waiting for processing. I need to be physical, to train and to submit to the effort to clear my head. I take my meds and go to bed. It all feels a little desperate.