Tuesday and I wake and nap. At about 9 o’clock I get up and have my usual muesli breakfast. I think I am addicted to the honey since I cut out sweets and biscuits. Rocket is not pleased and suggests I drop the bee juice. He might have a point. I take my meds and move on. In an effort to attend to myself I spend some pamper time trimming my beard. That was all the pampering I was getting today. I retrieved the steam cleaner from the garage and set it up. Once it was bubbling away nicely, I set about steam cleaning the carpets in the lounge and dining room. To my surprise it turns out that steam cleaning carpets works. They may not be pristine, but they are much better and look reasonable. I am pleased with myself and once I’ve restored the machine back in the garage, I order new head covers for it anticipating that I will be carpet and upholstery cleaning again quite soon. Now that I am in the groove, I empty the hoover and get to work on the carpets around the house. By the time I am finished I’m feeling a bit tired, so I take a nap.

Alexa wakes me up as requested and I check my social media. I feel strangely energetic and change into my training gear but divert myself by going to feed the hog. All the food had gone so either the hog is still eating and not hibernating, or I am making some mice and rats very happy. I note in passing that the squirrel is appreciating the refilled feeder. The squirrel is particularly active at the moment. While out in the garden and in the Shed I take the opportunity to spray the felt tacks on the roof of the Shed with a rubber sealer. I think these may have been the root source of the leak that I had a little while ago. It does not look aesthetically pleasing but it should do the job. I put the ladder away and then I have no excuse not to train, but wait the recycling bins need putting out so that takes another bite of time and delays the pain. Finally, I am astride the rower strapping my feet on and setting up the session. Today it will be 45 minutes on my normal resistance level. At last on the stroke of 4 o’clock I make the first pull. 45 minutes later I am done and pleased with what I’ve done.

Thats a good 600+ calories done.

It is a reasonable session, and I am pleased that I have made the effort. I record the session in my journal and grab a hand full of sultanas adn cashew nuts as I’ve not eaten since this morning. I sit and let Rammstein play in my ears for a while until I become aware that I am beginning to chill. I change into my Merlin leopard gown and start to draft the blog while my partner cooks tea. I’m listening to the radio via the TV and I am conscious that I am asking myself what is on the TV tonight and realise just how dependant I am becoming on the TV to provide me with entertainment. I hear my internal voice mockingly saying “In my day we made our own entertainment. You younger generation are spoon feed and lazy; I don’t know what the world is coming too.” I think that it quite true, I could do so much else but in my defence, I would say that there are days when I am knackered and just want to be entertained without me having to put the effort in. Tonight, could be one of those nights after my active day. Tomorow I head north to York to see friends and old colleagues. Unfortunately the King is turning up to unveil a statue of his mum in York tomorrow so I guess traffic might be an issue. I also noted that there is a big market on the racecourse close to my hotel so I might find some treasures of Yorkshire for Christmas presents. First an early night so I can train in the morning and check the car.