Tuesday and its the day my partner goes to the hospital for her colonoscopy so its a slow start. My partner has been up since 5:30 to follow the pre procedure process prior to her hospital visit. I have breakfast and then the post man delivers my tax demand for the last tax year. So its not a day that is filled with joy. My injection site is red and sore but I have to say it could be worse so I think training yesterday helped. Either that or the prophylactic paracetamol is working.

So the afternoon sees me driving to the local hospital and dropping of my partner to face her procedure. I try to go to the local cafĂ© and await the call from my partner but it is closed. On further exploration I find the local Costa and settle into a large hot chocolate and a bacon roll. There are very few in and so I do what I always do when I am waiting in cages, hotels and restaurants I write. Its never anything much and is often just a to do list or a check on the last one I wrote. Today I scribble a couple of brief “poems”.

What do I do 
I write,
I garden.
I clean the house, 
Something missing?
Like an alcoholic
With no kidneys,
A diver
With no lungs.
Its just a construction,
synapsed together
In a process,
Welded with transmitters
Cell by cell. 
On or off,
It either is or isn't,
Like life,
You either are or aren't. 

All I ever was 
Was a wordsmith,
Dyslexic silver tongue
Who knew the shapes
And colours of symbols. 
Always trying to tell others,
This is how it is for me. 
It aroused no interest
so I go on
Seeking the moment
That says clearly
This is me. 
That instance
When another's eyes light
and there are two of us,
Same place,
Same time,
Same understanding. 

I watch people come and go, children slither and fidget next to me and people while away time. I think about another drink and decide its time to move as I am having a hot flush and need to cool down. Out side I spot the local shopping centre. Its dead, half the units are empty the rest are looking abandoned or ignored. The only store with people in it is a Greggs. Its trying to be a restaurant with its comfortable eating spaces, however the sight of people tucking into their pasties from the paper bags they were serve in belies the attempts at refinement. I return to the car and check the time and decide to wait. My partner rings me at 5 o’clock to tell me she will be ready in thirty minutes. I go to the hospital unit and get in to wait with her. She is having her vitals checked and then she is allowed to leave with her paper work. The good news is that there was nothing found. It is a big relief.

We drive home and my partner goes for the solace of toast and a warm drink. I eat and settle down to draft the blog to the back drop of a film. All I need to do is to pay my tax bill and get into the next few days when I can train and count poetry words. It sounds simple but for some reason it never seems to turn out that way. With the gas company beginning to dig out side I have a feeling that the daily routine is about to be disrupted. It will be an early bed time and night meds for me tonight.