Sunday and it is a lazy start to the day with coffee in bed and more time to chat. Time for the Sunday weigh in. I get up on the scales and peek downwards the display. I am satisfied as I see 96.0 kilos come up. This is a loss of 1.3 kilos over last week. I am pleased give the limited training and the a end of my cold. I have 15 days to make more reductions in my weight before my next oncology review. So despite tomorrow being an injection day I need to make an extra effort to maintain my fitness and diet regime. Its the only life style influence I have. Once up its time for breakfast, plain and simple with coffee and morning meds. It did afford me the opportunity to use my newly acquired honey spoon, and very satisfactory it was. There was an attempt to make the usual Sunday call to our youngest daughter but there was no reply so my partner and I go off to the garden centre to buy vegetables and bland food for my partners pre endoscopy procedure on Tuesday. We gather up our food requirements and then search Lakelands for a ceramic cooking dish to discover that Lakeland only sell plastic, actually plastic and electrical cooking gadgets. The only ceramic object in the entire store was a Tagine which was hideously over priced. I am Lakeland disillusioned.

So back home its tidy up Sunday, with bins to empty, beds to change and the house to tidy, however in there is some TV football, and a bloody minded printer that will not print the required documents and insists on churning out copies of my tax return. I eventually manage to get it fixed and my partners required documents printed. Its back to football and a face time call with my youngest daughter. It feels like a very disjointed day. Somewhere in the afternoon I book ticket for my eldest daughter and I to go and see Stewart Lee. So already there are two or three cultural outings in the new years diary. The evening is TV based, His Dark Materials followed by Happy Valley will see me through to an early night, night meds and the prospect of tomorrows monthly injection first thing in the morning.

Stirred stars are all around these winter days.