Merry Christmas ROCKET

I wake to kitchen sounds as a traveling turkey crown is popped into the oven. Its Christmas! I get up, sad to leave the warmth of my bed. It might be Christmas but its a Sunday and that means its a weigh in day for me. I get into the bathroom and gingerly step onto the scales. There is a tense moment before I look down. I look down and find myself inwardly yipping! 95.9 Kilos, that’s a loss of a kilo this week. I am well chuffed and surprised. So those sessions which I struggled to do where worth it.

I grab some toast and a coffee, while the oven gets a progression of trays of Christmas goodies like pigs in blankets, stuffing balls and potatoes. I have the luxury of a Christmas shower and change into my festive clothes. Next comes the packing of the Christmas dinner into he boot of the car. Its all successfully tucked away and then I with my partner and both daughters drive over to my partners mother. We arrive and are greeted by my partners mother, at a sprightly 94, and her carer. Everything gets unloaded very quickly and the table laid. Pretty soon we are all around a Christmas table and tucking into a traditional turkey dinner. The wine flows, the conversation also flows and before we know it we are setting light to a spiced rum soaked Christmas pudding. Crackers are pulled and we find ourselves playing the game that was inside them. Apparently my daughters know each other pretty well and surprisingly I and my partner seem to have each other reasonably well sussed. There is present opening and coffee before we all quieten down to watch the KIng’s broadcast. With the that over we continue with presents and then as the night draws in we pack the car for the return trip.

Once home we are into Christmas Strictly, after eights and turkey sandwiches. We are sofa’d for the evening until we feel that its time to put out brandy and carrots to tempt Santa to swing by our house on his return to where ever he goes home to. Tomorrow if Santa swings by we will have our Christmas day with all the trimmings and presents. Although because I am not perfect I will need to get up early and dash to the co-op to see if I can pick up a Christmas pudding as we turn out to be one short.

All through the day messages come in wishing me happy Christmas and there are messages of thanks for cards and presents. Its very warming to know that all my friends are having warm and good Christmases.

Oh yes lets have a great time.