Thursday and I am a sluggerbed. I wake at 10 o’clock. Again my deepest sleep seems to occur in the early morning once my night meds have worked their way through my system, either that or my body is desperately trying to hibernate. I suspect the later as when I unusually weighed myself once I go tout of bed I found my weight had risen again. If that’s not a body trying to lay down fat for the winter I don’t know what is. Ah I hear you say but winter is here. My argument is that my body is in the same state as my garden: confused. What I am experiencing is a late dash for fat.

I have breakfast and do some life admin including some belated Christmas ordering and then settle down to read. A friend who moved house yesterday messages me from her cardboard city and is happy that she has been shopping for the first time and laid in food so that she and her husband will not starve if the snow traps them in their new home. I decide to read until lunch time when I will walk to the village with my partner and collect my drugs and do some food shopping. I finish my book, I Am David. It is supposed to be a children’s book but I am not sure how a child would take to it or what it would take from it. Its been a best seller since the 1960s and is still in print across Europe so I guess kids are pretty rugged. Mind you there is some rugged modern stuff around, try Hard Candy.

A thought provoking children’s book worth a read

At lunchtime my partner and I walk to the village centre and I try to collect my drugs. My injection has not arrived despite ordering it on Sunday. The world is slowing down. The Christmas cards that were sent the 21st November second class are still turning up, one of them at an address a twenty minute drive from home. My partner and I pick up some food and get ourselves home. I indulge in a newspaper and distribute the varies deliveries that arrive. I spend some time wrapping todays arrivals as I try to keep pace with Christmas admin. Finally it is time to train, I’ve delayed too long already today really but I get changed and get into the garage. Its cold, 5 degrees cold, the coldest so far this year.

Its the coldest so far this year

I get myself going on my selected one hour session. I am about ten minutes in when a friend calls as she travels to pick up one of her daughters who is not well and needs to be retrieved from school. We chat during her journey about Christmas and the preparations until she arrives at her destination. I return to my rowing and push myself along. It turns out a reasonable session, which I need to repeat for the rest of the training days on the week. I am pleased to have made 12 kilometres and burn off 700+ calories.

This is a reasonable session, 12+Kilometres and 700+ calories burned

At the end of the session I quickly get into the house and record my session in the training/diet journal. My partner cooks tea and I start to draft the blog. During this evening my partner will do her singing lesson and I will watch the final ever episode of Lucifer. I find it difficult to believe that I have watched all 96 episodes. Is this what retirement is for? I think as long as its not the only thing I do its okay. Mind you there are few more series I would have to add the likes of The Witcher and Warrior Nun. I now need to find a new book to read and I really need to write my Christmas letters and beat the postal strikes. However tonight its the end of Lucifer and a relatively early night.

First Christmas card
The last Lucifer