Monday and it’s my partners birthday. I make warm drinks to have in bed however my partner is not feeling to chipper. We laze for a while until we both feel in need of breakfast. Having cleared away the kitchen, the washing and tidied up a bit we set about ordering new tyres for my partners car. So by the end of the morning, I am booked in to take the car to our local Kwik Fit on Wednesday to have the car reshod for the winter. Better safe than sorry. I have also booked my next injection for a later time next Monday so that I can take my partner for her hospital investigation in the morning. I also book in my next set of bloods to monitor my PSA. We then get ready to go for a birthday lunch at one of our local pubs.

My partner and I settle at our pub restaurant table and begin a long lunchtime meal. Its slow service but the food is good. I cave in and have a cheesecake pudding and my body cannot believe it is getting something so sugary. We arrive back home just as the first football match starts at the world cup. My partner and I are both full after our meal and it is good just to chill out and watch the football. The match goes to penalties, the first of the championship, which Japan loses appallingly with some of the worst penalties I’ve ever seen. While the game is on my partner’s brother drops by to say happy birthday to my partner. It becomes, cake, card and present time for my partner so we indulge in candle lit chocolate cake, card and present opening. We are just over the cake and coffee when Tesco deliver. Some squirreling and reserve store topping up gets done and we are soon back to watch the final football match of the day. Brazil thrash South Korea while a friend of my partner visits to say happy birthday. Post visit and post football my partner and I settle down to watch a new series.

While the new series sizes up I draft the blog and look at my paperwork for tomorrow’s bone scan. It is one of those procedures that means I will be radioactive for a few hours. I get jabbed with the isotope and then wander around for a couple of hours avoiding pregnant women before returning to be put through the big whizzo nuclear scan machine. It’s not a big deal just time consuming and I have yet to train this week. Time now for night meds and bed.

The theory of dual consciousness is alive and well.