When the going gets tough, the tough get Rocket.

Thursday and I wake early as my partner is going into work. I laze for a little while with my phone in bed and deal with my social media, a very quick exercise these days. I’m up thinking protein but resort to muesli again and fresh coffee. I suspect I go for muesli as I add honey to it, the only sweet stuff that now enters my body. Dishwasher unloaded and loaded again I prepare to go to the Shed. Once in my haven I turn the heater on for a bit of a blast and then get on with my life admin tasks that I had set myself. By lunchtime I was well organised and feeling peckish. In a moment of indulgence and protein craving I walk to the village cafe and down a sausage and bacon baguette while doing a crossword. Its and old habit that I had not indulged for a while. I enjoyed it but it remains an indulgence now. Back home I chatted with m eldest daughter for a while and then thought about training. My back still aches but a deal with Rocket is a deal, so I changed into my training gear and headed for the rower in the garage. Today was to be a half hour session but at my usual resistance level. Its chilly (winter chilly) but I have Rammstein in my ears and so I get going. It’s hard but I get a decent session in. Over 400 calories burnt over more than 6 kilometres.

Tough half hour but I earnt those calories.
This is my “I will be fit” face.

Before I can rest there is the hog to feed, so I go and check Fort Hog. Some of the food has gone so I replenish the dish with fresh food and replace the roof on the canteen. I finally get back into the lounge to record my session and down 750cc of water. My partner returns home from work felling like she has been “pupped” all day. Now that it is a rare occurrence for people to go into the workplace there is a lot of rubbing noses to be done adn if you’re a manager your nose gets rubbed more than most. I settle down to draft the blog while tea is being prepared. Tonight, I am giving my eldest daughter a lift to “silks” where she has promised to film herself. A friend’s daughter is keen on circus skills and so I said I would ask my daughter if she would do a quick video of her doing silks or hoop. So that’s tonight’s deal. I drive her to silks, wait and then drive her back. The rest of my evening will be football and an early night, as I intend to go to the gym tomorrow to get a cross trainer session in and Rocket needs his sleep.

|Winter moons will pass