Monday, its injection day. I grudgingly get up and have a muesli and fresh coffee breakfast along with my morning meds and pain killers. The walk down to the GP is misty and autumnal. That’s as poetic as the day gets. I’ve no sooner logged into the GP system than the nurse calls me up. Usual procedure, lay on the couch, loosen the clothes round the target area and wait for the sharp scratch and the slight burning sensation in my left side. Finger on cotton wool while it gets taped down adn I’m ready for the next bit of fun. It’s time for the three monthly B12 jab. That get stuck in my left arm with even more of a burn this time. Not being able to book the next appointment because the GP techno system does not go that far I bound from the surgery ripping off my mask and walk home.

On my return I have more fresh coffee and change into my work kit. I have decided to tackle my gutter hedgehogs that have got blocked. As the forecast is for it to piss down tomorrow, I figure that today is a good day to get the gutters clear and the gutter hedgehogs cleaned. So I gather tools and steps and clamber about removing the gutter hedgehogs and clearing out the silt from the gutters at the back of the house where all our roof rainfall runs to. It goes reasonably well, and I tuck the hedgehogs back into the guttering with a degree of satisfaction. With luck the guttering will cope without overflowing tomorrow. While I am in the garden with the steps I trim the fir hedge back to encourage it to bush out and to keep it from becoming too tall. As that goes so well I prune the climbing rose back to the top of the wall height. Thats’s me done in the garden now till Spring.

Back inside and in laze around clothes I have a soup lunch and some tuna before catching up with my cash book and starting to do some Christmas shopping along with some present hunting for my partners birthday that is rapidly approaching. I am beginning to feel my injection and have more coffee and pain killers. While I wait for Tesco to deliver, I watch some snooker, I know that’s not very intellectual but that is all I can manage. Tesco rocks up adn tries to reverse down our narrow drive, there is always one tosser that has no sense of distance or width. As usual he ends up parking outside on the road like everyone else that has a brain. As my partner is on the computer taking a work call I get to have all the fun of unloading and filing the family’s food. Of course, I hide stuff, wouldn’t be fun if I didn’t. My eldest daughter returns from work as I begin to think about training, it’s getting dark and cold and I am tempted to rest, but cancer doesn’t rest and neither does Rocket. I get into my kit and go to the garage. I really do not feel like it. It is a half hour session at my usual resistance level. I do it and it is okay, at least it is done.

Distance is average but its another 400+ session.

I return to the lounge to recover and as I sit, I start to draft the blog. I can feel myself being spoonless and drifting into the night. I shall don my Merlin robe and watch rugby and whatever else takes my fancy before wandering off to bed and hopefully sleeping. There will be meds and more pain killers to see me on my way to the ocean.

To the ocean to rest.