Sunday was a slow day. There was breakfast and then I spent the day sorting through papers relating to my sister. Apart from a little gentle vegetable shopping the outside world was not indulged in. I spent most of my time putting together a file of pictures relating to my sister. There were pictures of her art work, stained glass work in particular. The rest where documents, I think my intention was to produce materials that the celebrant can use to construct the reflection moment and to get a framework. I provide an example of stained glass work.

One of my favourites.

The evening came along and I found myself watching TV and trying to get some organisation into the materials we brought back from London. I’m tired, fatigued by going through family history and piles of photographs of people and places I thought I had left behind. One piece of her art work sticks with me and in some way sums her up.

An incredible piece of drawing.

I go to bed post football and just want to sleep, there is too much to process at the moment, my pixies are over worked and tomorrow is a full day.

Monday, awake at 7 o’clock and being jabbed at 8:30 having had a shower and a walk to the surgery. I return home for breakfast with a paper and do the cross words. I surf the net looking for a hotel near the crematorium where my sisters funeral is to be held. I find one and book the family in. It will be the first time that all my children will be together in a long time, but that’s what funerals do I guess.

The rest of the morning was taken with mending the washing machine, Not spinning and draining so its a manual syphon and drain followed by the removal of the drain filter. I forgot to take a picture but it was stomach churning the state of it. After a bit of a paddle and a lot of quiet cursing of tissues, hair bands and general gunk the machine is ready for a trial run. I use the wet towels used to mend the machine. All goes well and the machine pumps itself empty as planned. Go me, I’m a hero.

I dash to the printer to pick up the “death notice ” cards to be told the printers had forgotten to do them. I’m not chuffed but they agree to deliver them in the afternoon. I agree and leave them to it. I have very little time before I am laying on my back in the dentist chair having a filling. Numb mouthed I return home a few quid lighter and put away my washing. The cards are delivered as I am drafting the blog and beginning to feel hungry as my mouth has been in quarantine for a couple of hours post dentist. Tonight I and my partner are going to see Coppelia, I hope I stay awake although this ballet is one of the chirpier ones. My injection site is now getting sore and tomorrow I have an oncology review to go to where I will get my PETT-CT scan results and and an explanation of why I have an appointment with the radiotherapy team in May. Its going to be another fun packed day. And the cards need to go. Meds and beds will be the order of the day.

Out of the strong will come forth sweetness.