Saturday and I wake up after an average nights sleep. My partner has made coffee and is reading. We read and drink coffee until we feel the need to get up as we are expecting the garden guy to arrive today. As expected garden guy turns up just as breakfast is ready so its a quick dash with a coffee and some instructions for what needs doing. After breakfast there is time to chat and plan future garden work.

I put my washing in and sort out some life admin like sending off the months meter readings. After some chores I drive my partner and I to the local shopping park where we head for the sofa shops. We peruse, we examine, we sit, we get up and down, we press buttons and pull levers. We talk to sofalogists and look at brochures, read labels and asks questions. We then measure things, look as swatches, tap out figures on the calculator and decide we need one final measure at home. We stop for a Costa coffee and a bun before going home to measure up.

Back home we do the measuring and confirm our preferred sofa and chair will fit the space. We think we have chosen well. At some point we will return to the shop and order our preferences and then wait for the 13 weeks that is will take to deliver the new furniture. We will do that after we have got the new lounge rug in tomorrow. I watch some football results come in and then I go to train. I really do not feel like it but I have one more chance to train before tomorrows weigh in. I get in to my kit and trudge to the garage, strap into the rower and set off for a forty five minute session at my cruise level. Its a tough session but I grind it out and burn 600+ calories.

A good 10K+ in 45 minutes and 650+ calories gone.

Back in the lounge I record the session in my journal and then get into my evening slob clothes before settling down to watch a football match and eat tea. I am determined that tomorrow will be a rest day whatever the scales say. Tomorrow will be a day for moving furniture and putting down the new rug when it arrives. The rest of my day will be reading but for tonight I hope to watch a film and go to bed to read American Gods. The reality is I am waiting, waiting for my scan appointment. Until then it is difficult to plan ahead, I dislike that feeling.

I invite all Blog readers to rest along with me