Wednesday, and I wake up in a hotel bed yet again. Before getting up I email a registrar of deaths and then its off to breakfast and a very busy day. Rather than labour through the day here is what was achieved:

  • Registered my sisters death.
  • Collected the death certificate and copies.
  • Met with the solicitor and organised, new locks, house evaluations, contents valuation, house cleaning and tidying and was read the will.
  • Visited the funeral directors and booked a funeral slot and made initial arrangements.
  • Provided the funeral directors with the relevant “green form”
  • Sorted through some papers for the solicitor.
  • Activated the government “tell us once” process.
  • Acquired the mail redirection form required for special circumstances.

By 6:30 in the evening me and my partner are exceedingly tired and are just pleased to stop and eat an early meal. We retire to our hotel room and I watch a football match on the TV and then draft the blog. It is going to be an early night. Tomorrow more documents will be taken to the solicitors before I visit the house once more to look for documents and then return home. I need to train and get ready for Fridays bloods.

This is a tiring time both physically and emotionally but it feels as if I am moving forward.

Pace and kindness.