Thursday and I get up after reading more of American Gods and down a muesli breakfast and coffee. I check my latest blog post and cannot get it to appear on my phone. I am feeling “unconfined joy” as I start to see if I can sort the issue out. It might of course be the servers in America where my blog is held. I shall post this brief snippet to see if it jogs the process along. I’m not hopeful in my state unconfined joy but will try it. I am concerned that my posts are not immediately available which means there is a time lag between posting and people being able to read it, which for some reason seems to be assuming more importance at the moment. More to come.

It did not jog the the process. I struggle to get going and in the end I retreat to the garden and start to weed the front beds. Its good to get my hands into the dirt and smell the earth. Under the weeds that are coming up is a profusion of bulbs coming up. The more I weed the more green beaks appear. What also appears is a robin who starts to garden alongside me in the freshly hoed earth. To my surprise Robin hangs around and stays close. It turns out gardening is good for me as my mood lifts and I get a sense of growing again. I like my new mate Robin and hope he is there tomorrow as I set to on the other flower bed.

My new mate Robin.

I stop for a late lunch of chicken soup and coffee and then open my post. In there is a letter from a friend in green ink, Its a thoughtful letter and raise some interesting questions like where are the dreams that don’t get remembered. I open my package with new jeans and get them on straight away as I like the look. Once they are on I like them even more. In fact I like them so much I buy a new wide belt to go with them. The combination of gardening, a letter and new jeans is enough to get me motivated enough to train. I get myself changed and head for the garage. I strap into the rower and set the controls for an hour on my cruise level. It goes okay and I burn 800+ calories, and do more than 12 kilometres.

A reasonable session to get me back motivated to keep going.

The evening arrives with tuna pasta and TV. I update the blog while my bathes before we indulge in some TV drama. I read and take my meds before I go to bed intending to once again garden and train tomorrow.

Cell biochemistry reduced to the level of spot welding to describe radiotherapy.