Friday and I wake up early feeling decidedly groggy. No idea why unless yesterdays scan is having an effect. I get up do breakfast, coffee and meds and then run off the tickets for the Ballet Rambert Peaky Blinders performance in May that have arrived in my in box. I move through the first part of the morning slowly and pack my kit for the gym. By 11 o’clock I am on my way to train.

The gym on a Friday morning is full, mostly aqua aerobics, but by the time I arrive it is thinning out and by the time I clamber onto a cross trainer there is barely anyone else in the gym. I plug in my i-pod and select Web, a modern didgeridoo electronic beat fusion that a friend gave me on retuning from Australia. Its odd but has a good rhythm to train to. I set the controls for the full hour at my usual resistance level and set off. Its hard work but the beat of the Web tracks keep my going. In the end its is a good session but I am knackered. I wonder how my body is going to respond.

A reasonable session: 650+ calories and 6.5+ kilometres. That will do.

I feel the effort of the session as I walk round the gym floor to cool down and recover. I rest for a while on a press bench and take a selfie out of curiosity about what I look like post session. Its not a pretty sight I decide, but for the brave here it is. Note the Scottish ice hockey jersey, quite a rarity.

I warned you, not a pretty sight

After spending time cooling down I return to the changing room via the toilet where I discover that my body has once again decide to piss blood in my urine. Its not much, but it is clear that there is a limit to how long I can do on a cross trainer, clearly an hour is too long. It has been quite happy with a 50 minute session. Lesson noted. I shower and change and go to the lounge to drink coffee, water and lunch on an egg and bacon roll. I settle in and continue to read Anansi Boys. Afternoon coffee and a cookie follows as I read on. I was not sure about this book but as it goes on it gets better and better. Four o’clock rolls round so I head home.

Once home I dump my kit, change into my lounging attire and start to draft the blog. Tea follows and more blog drafting to a background of TV news. The evening has rugby, Death in Paradise, and more reading to offer. What ratio I take them in will be a mystery till it happens. I have copies of my stanza poem to run off to take to tomorrows meeting. Apart from that I just hope to sleep well tonight.

Pace, always pace and kindness