Fighting preparations

Wednesday and I am woken with a coffee at about eight thirty. I am not sure how I feel. I get up and and make an egg sandwich and lemon squash. There are lot of small things that need to be done but I head for the Shed for the first time in a long while, or so it feels. I write letters all morning and fins that am using my last stamps. During the morning I have a WhatsApp conversation with my youngest daughter about a music box we found at the London house. It starts with the recognition that there is someone who specialises in the refurbishment of music boxes and then of course we both go on the internet and start to research our music box. It turns out to be a classic by a famous maker in the 1800s and selling at quite high prices.

This is the music box we have recovered.

I send an email to the music box repair man with some photographs and ask about refurbishment. By lunchtime I get a reply and find out that our music box is indeed genuine. He tells me that it is a double roll pianoforte version and a very nice box. He explains that costs of refurbishment. The quote runs into thousands, so there is a decision to be made. I wonder if its possible to crowd found a refurbishment. I pack up the Shed and return to the house to find my partner going off to see her mother. I lunch on chicken soup and then wander over to the post office to send my letters and to buy in some chocolate treats.

My afternoon as a long procrastination. I know I must train but I find all sorts of things to do to avoid it. I empty the bins, play loo roll fairy, fill the bird and squirrel feeders and tidy the kitchen. A friend calls and we chat about a meeting she has been to in the morning. It is clear that her journey back to work after long COVID is a difficult one and full of organisational hurdles. We talk until it comes time for her to collect her children. I am almost out of distractions when Amazon deliver the small safe I ordered yesterday to accommodate some of the things that we have accrued over the last few weeks. I spend time finding a place that the new safe can be housed so that it can be anchored to the wall properly. I jettison a pile of old socks to make room and then site the safe. No time to anchor it tonight as we have a guest staying tonight. That’s going to be a tomorrow job now.

I can no longer avoid training and now I feel tired. I change into my kit and get into the garage. I decide to up the resistance level and cut the time. So at level 5 I set off to do 30 minutes. It turns out that I am out of practice at level 5. The initial pulls are a surprise and very hard work, so I get the message early on that this is going to be a tough session. I end up getting to my 6 kilometre target and over 400 calories.

I finally make my goal 400+ calories.

I record my session and make a cold drink which I have with my partner and our guest who has arrived. They soon leave to go and eat out, I change and cook my tea and then settle in to start to draft the blog. Tonight there is a football final to watch so I shall do that and then see if I have time to include the time line of the blog into it tonight as I said I would.


  • Welcome all.                            01-09-2019                             1 day
  • Induction Day                          02-09-2019                             1 day
  • Chemo Day                              03-09-2019 – 05-01-2020  124 days
  • Fingers Crossed phase             07-01-2020 – 23-03-2020 77 days
  • As Good As It Gets Phase         24-03-2020 – 08-02-2021   322 days
  • Antiandrogen                            22-12-2021 -22-02-2022     63 days
  • As Good As it Gets Again          23-02-2022 – 31-10-2022  251 days
  • Rocket                                       01-11-2022 – 21-12-2022      51 days
  • Rocket Booster                          22-12-2022 – 06-03-2023   42 days
  • Run up to Radiotherapy            07-03-2023 – 17-05-2023      72 days
  • No Mans Land                           18-05-2023 – 29-05-2023      12 days
  • Rearmament                              30-05-2023 –           

As promised the time line. I’m off to bed I can’t stand the insensitivity. Meds for me and some peace and quiet.

Top of the list is yourself.