Saturday, coffee, fill the drugs wallet and eat a bacon bagel. Then its off to the garden centre to get cheesecake, crisps and lasagne. Home to watch Leicester Tigers beat Newcastle in a cup quarter final. During the match I get a delivery of a wisteria. I unpack the wisteria and put it into the greenhouse to overnight. With the weather that is coming I expect I will keep it in the greenhouse for a while. I return to the rugby and watch England women beat Italy by a vast margin. Its time to get ready to train. I’ve decided to go for an hours row at a higher resistance as I am not sure I am working hard enough in my sessions, either that or I am getting impatient with progress or lack of it. I get into the garage and before I start my hour I have a call with a friend who is out walking and getting some time for herself. It was good to chat but it left the sense of what is missing in life at the moment. That normal ability to speak face to face and weave a conversation following all the cues that are available, even the silences. We say our farewells and I start my hour at level 6; new territory for me. To my surprise it goes okay.

I head for a bath bomb bath and soak my fatigue out of me. Tea is lasagne and salad followed by a film, Turks and Caicos starring Bill Nye. It was okay and was followed by football and writing the blog. In the holes in the day I acquired new cargo shorts in anticipation of the summer and an upgrade to my wardrobe. Alongside this I bought new bedding for both sizes of beds in the house and a new garden furniture cover. These moments of acquisition are semi spontaneous, an idea appears in my head and the IT takes care of it, it is quite disturbing really and why I like the shed with its lack of wi-fi. However it is a way of avoiding dithering. Need a garden furniture cover: done. What could be easier. Need an AK47, trickier, but probably doable, just not on Amazon.

Patience is my strength the world will get better