The going down of the sun next to Lundy island.

Thursday and I am up early to download yesterday evenings photos, The WiFi here is very slow so it takes ages to download them. The sea at high tide here makes it difficult to believe that the beach is so vast as it comes right up to the pebble ridge. I would add that the pebble ridge is a natural phenomena,the pebbles having been rolled smooth by the sea over eons. Originally the rock was part of the local cliffs and are over 300 million years old. The cliffs around the bay still have bands of the rock in them. Amazing what evolutionary time can manage to do.

Low Tide

Our meal yesterday evening was pleasant enough. Our table was served by masked waitresses and fitted with a perspex end divider, while the windows were open to give ventilation. The dining was adequate and basic English but came with the great benefit of us having no effort to prepare it. A slow walk back to the apartment in time to watch the final episode of a documentary about an Irish mule who got caught in Peru and did time in one of their prisons. And so to bed, the hard mattress and the reminder that we need to do something about the squidgy thing back home.

Thursday continues all coffee. Its a late breakfast as the sun shines and we make our usual pilgrimage to the co-op for the papers and some food. We laze over the papers. I am not sure it is good for me as the news seems either ridden with tragedy or a chaotic mixture of conflicting agendas based on very few facts. I have more coffee and do the cross words. Gratifyingly one of todays articles suggested that doing crosswords fought 0ff Alzheimer’s, however that’s sod all use to me given my diagnosis. At about two o’clock we go out to walk. We follow the burrows path to the new cafe, which is only partially functional but does have ice cram and cans of coke. Thankfully it also has really good toilets. We walk back along the beach barefooted noticing the increase in jelly fish that are appearing on the beach. The sun is he brightest its been all week. Back at the apartment we eat cheese rolls and grapes and read a little. I fall asleep on the sofa noting as I doze off that my partner has already fallen asleep on the other sofa. Its 7 o’clock before we wake and prepare tea. So we watch a little TV but it is very dissatisfying so we go for an evening stroll on the promenade as the sun sets spectacularly over the sea. Our walk completes our step count for the day. Back at the apartment we flop onto sofas and eat strawberries before heading for bed.