Saturday and it threw it down all day. So we ate a large late breakfast and hunkered down for the day. I read, not taking much notice of what anyone else was doing. At 2 o’clock I have a Zoom call with my son in Stockholm and we talk house maintenance, tool hire, job hunting and grandchildren. Life in Sweden under COVID is a different experience apparently. After the call I get on with stuff, somewhere in there I watch some rugby and then decide to train in the late afternoon. I changed and trudged down the garden to the Shed to do an hour on the bike. It was a reasonable session to end my training week on.
Time Kilometres Calories
I spent my evening reading and finishing Before the Coffee Gets Cold. It left me profoundly moved. I ended the evening staring at the football and going to bed without writing the blog.
Sunday and it is no longer raining. I head for the bathroom for the Sunday weigh in. The first after a good weeks training back.
89.5 Kilos
Well that was a pleasant surprise. I am back on track and ready to start some weights in the coming week. Nice to be getting fit again, now to build the muscle back.
So its a brief, but late, breakfast and we head to the garden centre to buy herbs and compost. Having got what we went for we return home and I head for the garden. There I stay until tea time having upgraded the herb area, planted ground cover plants under the trees and planted petunias all over the place.

I try to ring my sister but get no reply, I promise myself to ring again later. Tea and I sit down to write the blog against the back ground of early evening TV which no one watches. Tomorrow I see the surgeon about the sebaceous cyst on my cheek , I am of course anxious but more about “when” rather than “what”. I just want this thing gone as soon as possible so its one thing less to have to deal with. I suspect he will say “Of course I can do it” but how long before he can do it is the crunch and I suspect that no matter how quickly he suggests it will not be quick enough for me.