PHASE II A.G.A.I.G DAY 180 & 181

Saturday, its return to home day so after toast and a last minute tidy up we set off for home at about 9:30. The journey is slow and with a short comfort break we get back home at about 1:30pm. I’m a sort of “get it sorted” person so I unload the car and unpack immediately. My stuff is put away and my washing started, tomato plants watered and post sorted. I get captured by the Olympics again but not before I retrieve my spare drugs wallet and get todays full compliment into me. Over the previous week I had to space my drugs out as I had foolishly managed not to take a full weeks supply. That’s worthy of a note to self; Remember your drugs. As a treat we ordered in Indian takeaway as a final holiday meal. The evening was taken up with watching “The Trail of the Chicago Seven” and the Olympic men’s marathon, which saw an excellent example of the Olympic spirit. At the end of the marathon three men were fighting for the silver and bronze medals, the Netherland runner encouraged his Belgium training partner to come along side him when his partner was flagging and at the end in the final strides he took time to encourage him once again. It worked and they took silver and bronze. It turns out that they had both fled from Somalia in order to survive and found sanctuary in their respective new countries, which they then honoured with Olympic success. I liked that.

Sunday and my marathon viewing means I sleep in till 10 o’clock. I wake to the sound of the national anthem and find that the Brits have won more Olympic gold. Breakfast is bacon sandwich and coffee and the Olympic closing ceremony. It is an unexpectedly tricky experience. As everyone talks about a short three year Olympic cycle to Paris in three years time I am caught by the thought that I might not be here to see it, this may have been my last Olympics, bit of a downer. What I call a Dark and Tricky moment. I am lifted by face timing my youngest daughter who was full of life. I get myself ready to train as I need to get my body moving again, I need energising. I get in the garage and astride the rower, I had intended to do an average half an hour but once strapped in I decide to go for an hour at a slightly lower level. An hour later I am pleased I made the effort. My new tyre pump for the car had arrived so there was time to unpack it and have an initial play with it. Time to eat dinner and catch up on the blog. Tomorrow its time to get back to business with a CT scan to do and preparation for my first face to face meeting in over 17 months, which means a rapid flow test, a new first, lets hope its negative.

Something for the Dark and Tricky