Wednesday, and I get from bed to a breakfast bacon bagel with a youthful leap. Apart from a call from a friend nothing happens until I meet up on Zoom with the Elders group. The group spends an hour talking and exploring what we are about, what we think we can offer and the way we will offer it. The bottom line is that we are eager to meet in an embodied way later in August as we all feel that we need to do that to have the time and experience to move ourselves forward as a group. I like this group it is one of the very few places I get to share and explore with like minded people the issues we all face. Amazon deliver my new writing paper and envelopes along with an “Important dates” book. I of course head for the shed but not before a piece of Quiche, which was a surprise. I am filling in my new “Important dates” book when my daughter brings me a slice of walnut cake, life is full of surprises and this is a good one. I settle down to write a letter using my new paper and to play with my Chinese character practise book. Spring is literally the symbols for plants and sun.

See the source image

I finish my letter and close up the shed before changing into clothes that are acceptable to go to the post box in. Errand done I prepare to train but I get a text about my bank account. I ring my bank and spend an inordinate length of time trying to talk to a human. I eventually get through and have it confirmed that the text is a scam, so I follow the advice and block the number and erase the text. So much later than I had planned I get in to the garage and load myself onto the rower. I am determined to go for a personal best today and choose to go for the one hour row at level 5. So from the off I am at it. The result? See below:

Well Go me! That is a good PB and I am feeling it, but very pleased. I change and eat tea adn decide to write the blog early in the evening so that I can pay attention to the Repair Shop and also the excellent Great British Sewing Bee. Good old fashioned domestic repairing and creating things that provide a real sense of admiration for the people that can apply skills. Having had my fill of admiration I shall read and watch football.

Hamster Shredding