Friday and its a Shed day, a day of letter writing. A quick breakfast and I get myself to the Shed and settle into my chair, pick my favourite dipping pen and fill the ink well. I continue to write letters all morning taking the odd break for a drink and a biscuit. A friend rings and we chat new cars, new patios and horse grooming. Lunch comes round quickly, so a fried egg sandwich later I am back in the Shed writing more letters. I write solidly catching up with my correspondence until 2:30 when I give a lift to my eldest daughter to her circus skills session. Home via the post box I take time to take a few pictures of the brave flowers that are in bloom.
I write another letter and return to the post box. I close up the shed and return to the house where I take a call from a friend and chat for a while about families, sewing and the continuing restrictions of COVID. Tea and then I watch Leicester Tigers lose to Sale. By now its heading for 10 o’clock but I have not trained, its one of those moments, I am either in the battle or I am not so I shift my arse, get changed and in to the garage to row for 30 minutes. It turns out to be a good session.
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I return to the sofa and write the blog before bed.