Thursday, 9:50, mild panic as I have a meeting at 10am. Coffee and log in. The ensuing meeting brought significant news as the programme manager has decide to move on. It will take a while for this to work through but we spent time this morning absorbing the news. At the end of the meeting I joined my family on a lunch time walk to cast my vote in the local elections. I got back to the house with enough time to have a smoothie and log on to host an open forum. For the first time in over a year no one turned up. I and my co host gave people 15 minutes to turn up and then abandoned the space. The spare time was spent drawing up my April invoices and sending them off. I find myself with time to train early so I head for the shed and spend an hour on the bike. It turns out to be a good session.

I finish my session and clear the kitchen ready for tonight’s meal preparation. I record my training session and then make tea for the garden guy who has arrived. Rather than have him do the boring stuff like weeding and tidying I gave him artistic freedom to plant out a lot of the new plants that I’ve grown from seed. Just seems to me that a gardener needs to plant and grow stuff and not just cut stuff down and throw old stuff out. He seemed pleased to be doing it as he stayed over time. Tea eaten and I settle down to a football match while my partner has a singing lesson. At half time I clear the kitchen. When it was over I write the blog. I’m looking forward to tomorrow, it is going to be a shed day and a chance to write. I find that I have a compulsive part of me that needs to write, strange for a dyslexic.

I want to swim again in the ocean.