Wednesday and its a “do the house stuff” day but before I do anything I get a call from a friend so I start my day with a chat about children’s birthday parties and the work entailed to come up with ways to keep young children amused. Then after a muesli breakfast I set about the list of things to do. First up is planting the bulbs and flowers that arrived yesterday.

Well garden done I move on. Whilst doing the garden the splash guards for the bath arrive via Amazon. So I gather together my tools and take over the bathroom to fix the guard in place. It goes really well, I think,so tomorrow once the bonding has set it will be possible to take anxiety free showers.

At last a workable splash guard in place.

Time for lunch with my partner and then its time to clear away the debris created by my daughters clearing out their old and unwanted clothes from their weekend reorganisation of storage space. I recycle a lot of coat hangers and deal with the cardboard mountain that had accumulated. With this done it was time to take the charity boxes to the Age UK shop in the next village, I nice break from the house.

Charity boxes waiting to be delivered to Age UK

Back home and I set about putting everything away that had to be taken out of the under sink cupboard to get Daisy Dishwasher better. I relocate the candles and the vases. Then I get a loaf started in the bread maker before going to the garage and sorting out the paint from the latest redecoration and reinstall the weights bench so that I can use it, I must be the only person who hoovers their garage. However the bench is back and I can get back to some weight training.

Weights bench back on its hoovered rug.

I get my weeks washing in the machine and then get ready to train. Today is a rowing day, so I will do 45 minutes. It goes relatively well and I feel I am getting back into the routine of training again. It will soon be back to having smoothies on a regular basis. The aim is to get back to 90 Kilos as soon as possible.

I finish my session and retreat to the sofa to record it and to eat tea. I read for a while and then watch Chelsea beat Real Madrid to join Manchester City in the European cup final. At the end of the game I retrieve my washing from the tumble dryer and fold it ready to go away. Its blog time. Today has been all chores but there is a sense of achievement to have cleared the decks. Tomorrow is back to some work and some research on self publishing.

The fabric of the universe, stirred not shaken.