Tuesday, a work day, so a quick breakfast and then some pre-meeting preparation. I listen to Alexa play me music and tell me what the news headlines are. By the time I have scribbled notes I am ready for my one to one with the manager of the project I contribute to. I have time to read my new book of essays called THE BI-BLE. It’s a series of essays by bisexuals describing their experiences, such as their invisibility and lack of representation in society and culture. I find the accounts powerful and in some senses familiar or at least reminiscent of many of the clients I have worked with over the years. It also reminded me of the many LGBT+ colleagues I have worked with during my career, many of whom had histories that now I think about it would suggest that I had known more bisexuals than I had realised. The meeting is useful and contained a surprise, but I cannot share it or I would have to kill you. Meeting over I make a quick call adn then I am Zooming to a group of people and introducing them to the wonders of Enabling Environments. I made a poor start but took breathe and pulled it round by the end. I left them with homework to do before we meet again in two weeks time. At the end I felt drained adn jaded adn very dissatisfied by my performance. So I put the recycling bin out and had another mug of coffee.

I prepared a pork medallion one pot and stuck it in the oven before getting my training gear on and going to the garage. Today was a rowing day and the day I decided to row for 45 minutes, a longer row than usual. The outcome was good.

Post garage I changed and got the one pot out of the oven. The family ate, politely, the dish was not good, in fact below par. I doubt I am going to cook it a gain as it is turning out to be a regular failure. So I settle down to watch football and Marcello, having checked my Amazon account and chased orders. A friend rings and we talk for a time about families and what COVID and its cloak of death is doing to us all, especially the children. It is a good conversation and one which leaves me with images that intrigue me.

Back to the sofa where I down my evening meds, eat ham and write the blog. It feels a vey mixed day and I look forward to a more reflective day tomorrow.