Jab Monday, so I am up early and at the GP surgery by 8:30. I am admitted by a new practice nurse. We chat and introduce ourselves. She pinches my fat a little higher than the last nurse and injects me more slowly. When done I get a cotton wool and tape cloud and we agree the next injection date. I drive home and go to the shed and there I stay all day, typing up poems and then numbering all the poems in the electronic file. 229 poems digitised from the original paper file numbered. I started the process in 2014 and now its done. So I have started to number the poems already in digital format, but I am tired. I order Indian take away for the family as a treat. The website failed at this point and I was forced to abandon the post. This recovery is the result of hours of fucking around with the system the following morning. I’m still sore from yesterday and the pain in my side is still there so I have yet to train. I will give it a shot and see how it goes, but for now its work, poem numbering and work.