Monday and I’ve done bugger all so far today except procrastinate and distract myself from the terrors of training. There have been a couple of highlights the first being the delivery of my Hockey against cancer ice hockey jersey from the Arizona Coyotes. Its lovely, and of course I put it on immediately to pose in, not that I am vain or anything like that. The challenge is to wear it for the day without spilling anything on it .

So I clear the place up a bit and attend to some admin work before lunch rolls round. I have time to duck tape a late birthday parcel going to Sri Lanka before having an omelette lunch. Kitchen cleared I set off to the shed and retrieve the outdoor camera that is set up on the shed wall. This was a Christmas present which has been sitting out in the garden keeping watch. I bring it in and hook it up to my laptop and behold there are pictures of next doors cat and a squirrel. The squirrel looking cute and also arse up drinking out of the pond.

Next doors cat; Bumblebee out late.

So as Alexa plays me coffee lounge jazz I get an early start on the blog to while away the time as I wait for the Tesco delivery. Once that’s done I can go to the shed to train. Tonight will be present buying for a family birthday and time to read a bit more in the comfort of a bath bomb bath hopefully. I go to the shed and train once the Tesco delivery is done. It a tough session and I get close to my personal best. Close but not quite close enough.

The session is tough and I am glad to get back in the house and strip off and cool down. A meal follows and I up date the blog. I am ready to soak and to read and to rest.