Saturday, a slow start that gets to breakfast, drugs and weekly filling of the drugs wallet quickly. During breakfast our vegetable delivery arrives, so post breakfast clear away we stow the vegetables and fruit. Then I am into my working gear and we make a planned trip to the garden centre to buy bacon, sweets and a plant for a friend. Once home I get into the garden and prepare to lift the old stepping stones and set out the new ones. I get the new ones down in the new line and realise I am at least three short. Its one of those oh bugger moments. So I get in the car and go with my partner to our alternative garden centre (the cheap one) to get more new stepping stones, more grit sand to bed them, and a small alpine plant for one of the shallow planters. In an moment of realisation we also get three rolls of turf to repair the grass where the old stepping stones will come out. Home again and I return to the garden and lay out the new slabs to complete the pathway. Time to dig up the old ones with my trusty pickaxe. Oh yes I have a pickaxe and I am not scared to wield it. So after a little pickaxing I have a neat set of holes in the lawn and a neat line of new ones.

So I work for a long time filling the old holes with compost and cutting turf into the spaces, watering them in and hoping for the best. I beaver away perfecting my technique as I go along until finally the holes are gone.

Its looking promising

I decide enough is enough and pack my tools away. As a last moment of aesthetic relief I plant a small rockery plant in a shallow planter that once held one of my many doomed bonsai trees.

I have hopes for this little rock plant.

I return to the house, dump my work clothes and watch the semi final of the FA cup while eating tea. A dull game so I settle to watch a film, The Mauritanian, a true story of the defence of an alleged terrorist in Guantanamo. It is the background to me writing the blog, being mindful all the time and that I have yet to train today. Another late night is in the offing. Tomorrow I get to go to see friends for a meal, I wonder how I will do.

See the source image
I’ve seen fire and I have seen rain