Wednesday and its Elders meeting day and my second jab day. So a quick shower, after all you cant go to have a jab without smelling sweet and wearing clean underwear, breakfast and I log into the Elders meeting. It lasts an hour and a half and is people who are a delight. They are experienced, thoughtful and compassionate people mostly of an age and continuing to be inquisitive and wanting to make a contribution to the field of care and therapy. I always come away from these meetings with much to think about and a deep sense of thankfulness that I have such people in my life. Today was no different. In the middle of the meeting I get a phone call from the hospital asking me if I can go for my appointment on Friday rather then Monday. I eagerly agree. I end the meeting and move to lunch and getting ready for my jab trip. I take the car to the garage and check the tyres before driving to the medical centre in the next village. I am very early but it is no problem, there are no long queues as before and I walk straight in, Usual questions and info sheets and then at precisely 14:42 I am second jabbed. I am told not to drive for 15 minutes, I last ten. Instead of going home I head for the local garden centre and by a dozen new stepping stones and a couple of bags of sand to bed them in. As I am hauling them from the boot of the car to the garden a friend calls so I sit in the front garden chair and chat in the sunshine. I welcome interlude from the garden chore. I return to stacking the new stepping stones. I notice new flowers that have opened up in the garden and pause to take pictures of them.

I clear the kitchen and then end up cooking the evening meal. I delay training to let my food settle and watch a football match on TV. By the time it ends its getting late, still there is training to be done so I head for the shed and an hour on the bike. Training at night is a strange experience looking out over a dark garden with solar lights.

I return to the house and find the family all gone to bed so I settle down to write the blog. Its been a busy day and tomorrow will be the same.

Raspberries to the Dark and Tricky