Sunday, weigh in day. Will I get a rest day? Will I get a treat today? I get up and get myself scales ready, you know what I mean. So I step onto the scales consciously trying not to cheat by hanging my heels off the edge. We all have done it at times, you know you have. So I step up and then it comes to the moment of looking down at the display and I give out a little “go me” and a fist pump.

91.6 Kilos

This means I have lost 10 kilos since last March and I am now, in old weight, 14stone 6 pounds. I am almost there. My secondary goal is 90 kilos at which point it will be time to add in the weight work to build some upper body muscle, strengthen the core and rip the gut. So a couple of weeks of discipline and hard work and I might get there. I’m hoping as the weather gets warmer I can up my general activity level. Of course as COVID dies out I will be able to roam further afield. The gym maybe.

I wildly celebrate my goal attainment with a full on bacon bagel for breakfast and fresh coffee. I like the idleness of my Sunday rest day and the meandering path through the day. Having said that, after breakfast (very late breakfast) my partner and I drive over to her mother’s house to do the regular loo flushing, heating check and this time the plant watering. No problems thankfully and we choose to drive back home through the Leicester forest.

An afternoon of face time call with my youngest daughter, whose birthday is not far off. Always good to talk to her and hear her experiences of working from home as she is working on Christmas goods for her company and that means sample boxes arriving from the worlds confectioners. Some stuff is run of the mill but I did like the look of the rainbow chocolate coins. As the call ends the international rugby starts and I watch it still unhappy that my beloved Brentford had just got stuffed by Barnsley two nil. The game was quite good but at the end of it I settled down to order some plants for the garden. It was a performance as I had trouble with the website not accepting my cards until I found I could use my Amazon account to pay it. Scary really how easy it is to spend money these days. So now I have plants due to arrive between now and the end of March and the beginnings of a vision for the garden in the summer and beyond. I also found a present for a friend of mine’s birthday which is coming up later this months. Of course I cannot reveal what it is as she reads my blog.

So an early evening blog writing as Alexa plays me jazz in the background. My partner does yoga, Alexa reminds me to do the Tesco order and to put the vegetables in the oven in fifteen minutes time. I feel like I ‘ve found a way to cheat memory loss, if only I could remember her name. Why a woman I ask myself, it feels stereotypic and wonder if I can choose a range of voices and gender identities. I shall ponder that after tea when I am in my bath bomb bath and between reading essays.

Sunday lazy Sunday, so nice without the TV background wall paper, just quite relaxing jazz in the background. I think that lockdown has taught me how easy it is to be overpowered by the visual media. It is almost as if watching together has somehow gained an ascendancy over listening together or reading together or anything together. This visual dominance is probably atavistic in evolutionary terms, but it does not reflect an inner world. Looking into oneself is not a visual thing, at least not a primary one, although I do have a symbolised vision of what constitutes me inside myself. The “looking into myself” is a much more complex and draws on all of my sense history and cognitive constructions. Perhaps the external visual world provides a relief from the internal and helps keep me physically safe to have my other world. I will ask my Pixies, they will know.

A common occurrence in restaurants all over England