Saturday so up late and a cooked breakfast, but not before I have rung the gas service company and cancelled the plumber booked for Monday. Having sorted the frozen condenser outlet the boiler is working perfectly. I chat to gas services woman and find it is the sister of the woman I talked to on Thursday. We banter gently as I cancel the plumper and asked her to thank her sister for the good boiler advice she gave me.

So I do my ritual re-loading of of my weekly drugs wallet over breakfast and then set about the weeks recycling and bin emptying. Having sorted all this stuff I change into my training gear so that I can train at the first opportune moment between or after todays two international rugby matches. Two solid matches later I’m ready for the garage and the rower.

This was a non joyous training session as it was very cold in the garage, not even my long track tights could keep the cold out.

Cold, bloody cold.

So I emerge mildly sweaty to a fish finger tea and my latest toy; an echo dot thing that answers to the name of Alexa. So far it is keeping a shopping list, tells me what the weather is like and plays me Spotify. I’ve obviously got a lot to learn about my new chum. According to a friend his nephews and nieces think Alexa is hilarious because it will make fart noises. I’ve yet to try it. So with Alexa installed we watch a Tom Hanks film where he wanders the wild west reading newspapers to folk and acquires a young girl raised by Indians. An interesting film. Of course this is followed Match of the Day and the writing of the blog against the TV wallpaper of Gwyneth Paltrow and some Sliding Doors.

Tomorrow is weigh in day. So I am hoping for a rest day and the start of trying to work in a reading time each day. I shall enlist the help of Alexa to nag me and also I think she has audio book potential. I wonder if she plays banjo? I have to say I am not sure how my pixies are taking the introduction of an electronic entity, but if I know them they will be asking it to make farting or raspberry noises.