Today is Monday and its a crap day, because this is injection day. Jab at 2:30. It would also appear to be a day for things to go wrong, go missing and generally be demanding. My day starts with muesli and moves onto taking solar panels apart and trying to get the pond pumps working. Hours pass as I get engaged with the project. Soon its time to think GP surgery, so its a long and enjoyable shower and then I am off to the surgery my fresh clean snowy hair waving in the breeze. I arrive full of paracetamol and phone into reception. I am admitted at the back door, I’m still a leper till the 1st of April. I get my gut jab and just for thoroughness I get a B12 jab in the arm as well. I drive home and find 80 plug petunias have been delivered. So my afternoon gets spent in the greenhouse as I plant up the plug plants.

80 new baby petunias to nurture through the coming cold through to spring proper

Another satisfying time, however a friend rings me and shares the nightmare day she is having, stalled car, lost purse, daughter with a poorly foot requiring assessment, visitors arriving, and a work IT system that will not talk to her. It seems that out there in the real world days can still be a bag of pain and mishap. The life Admin will be a major pain. I retreat to the house for tea and an evening of TV and a wrestle to get in to my web page to write the blog. I’ve had several tries and only succeeded at midnight. So I’m now full of pills and drugs, sore and achy but it is all confined without real world interference. I’m off to bed and will go again tomorrow.

I guess we will all give it another go tomorrow