Saturday arrives and so a brief lay in before a lazy breakfast. I’ve finished my antibiotics so to day is a normal meds day and of course the Saturday ritual of filling my weekly drugs wallet. Having fed, drugged and completed the census form I get myself into the garden and start to gather up the pots around the garden that will be refilled for the coming spring and summer. I try to sweep the paths clear but find I am badly in need of a garden broom, which I promptly order from Amazon. I trim back some of the shrubs and stake others and have a general tidy up. The cherry trees are growing and edging towards spring blossom so I cut some of the ties tethering them to their initial stabilising stakes. I note the seeds are germinating.

The first sewing begin to germinate

I am satisfied with my mornings work and retire to the sofa to watch the international rugby. Italy of course are pounded. I change into my training gear ready to watch England loose to Ireland. Amazon deliver me a very pleasant surprise, a book of poetry. I shall spend part of my lazy Sunday to read them.

Always a pleasure to find new poetry

At the end of the match I dash to the garage and put in a session on the rower. I am mindful that the crucial rugby game of the competition is on TV at 8pm. I have a cracking session and I achieve a new personal best. Go me, I’m surprising myself.

There is time to change and then I am back on the sofa eating tea and watching an enthralling match between France and Wales, which the Welsh narrowly lose. After the excitement I write the blog to a background of football highlights. Its weigh in day tomorrow and if it goes well I intend a lazy day, some seed sowing, luxury bath and time to read. I also hope that I might come across a bag of mini eggs to have as a treat.

See the source image
In these distances I wonder where there is a bench.