Saturday, and my first thought is the rest of my blood results. I check my phone App. Still not complete, and it stays that way all day. So I shall be sitting up till past midnight again to see if they get posted at that time. Of course I will be writing the blog and watching American football while I wait.

The day continues with breakfast and then we take a trip to the garden centre to top up with food and back up presents. Having secured these its time to go to our local Wickes to raid their shelves for yet more Christmas gifts. Then its home and time to start doing the Christmas decorations. At this time I get a delivery from a supplier who should have sent it to someone else, so irritating. I take a break to readdress the package and get it over to the post office. It wont get collected till Monday and delivered on Tuesday, but it will arrive pre Christmas. First step is to get the tree in the holder and then get up into the loft to get the decoration boxes. After that it hours of wrangling the lights, hanging the baubles and spreading the tinsel. The result is the transformation of a bare tree to a Christmas miracle.

As I am engrossed in the transformation process our friends ring to tell us that tomorrows cancelled Christmas meal is back on at a different venue. So I have a Christmas dinner to look forward to tomorrow lunchtime and the opportunity to spend exchange presents and Christmas stories. The transformation is complete just as dinner is ready in preparation for the grand final of “Strictly”. Of course the family is glued to the final and we all vote for Rose, which we are convinced swing it in her favour. The right result. This is followed by a film, but I am preoccupied really by wondering if my remaining blood results will be available. So I end my evening writing the blog and waiting for midnight. Midnight comes and I check my “patient view” app for the results. Its 12:11 but no more blood results. Experience tells me there is no point in waiting any long so I take myself to bed wondering if the system is just slow or one of my bloods has gone missing.

Beneath the stars