Thursday and it starts with a 9am work meeting. Of course there is an initial Christmas photo of the team dressed in festive garb. My quickly thrown together effort was I thought festive enough.

My festive Santa look for todays meeting.

The meeting is constructive and ends with the usual seasonal wishes for each other as we head off on our various ways. Me to a fried egg sandwich lunch before going to the gym. I get myself on board a cross trainer do just over an hour burning off 711 calories and travel 8.13 kilometres. I was looking forward to a hot shower but unfortunately they turned out to be tepid. I obviously did not linger and got home quickly. I cook the traditional Thursday tuna pasta and the family having eaten I drive my eldest to her circus skills class. We drive back to find my partner in her singing lesson. I settle down to watch a football match and drink pints of water like a drunk. I’m on my fourth pint as I write the blog. I’m desperately trying to make sure I am hydrated as it affects my platelet levels when my bloods are done. Tomorrow is the day for them so I just need to keep downing the pints. Once the needle is out of my arm at 9:05 tomorrow I can stop. The plan then is to get on with Christmas, buy the tree, get the decorations out the loft and play find the dud light bulb. Midnight is the witching hour when the results of the blood test get posted. Then the fun starts.

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Indulge and rest