Wednesday, a full day of business and stuff so a sturdy bacon breakfast is required. I’ve no sooner eaten and its time to be on the phone to discuss my final version of my TC accreditation report with my shadow. A good and useful conversation after which I send the report to the team. Now I will wait for the full draft of the report. I immediately move on to a Zoom meeting of experienced colleagues for an hour and a half. We discuss a couple of papers and our function as a group. Time flys by and we agree our next meeting agenda. There is time for lunch and then time to answer emails and run through the admin. Before I know it the time has come to get myself ready for my podcast interview. So two lovely people asked me about me and therapeutic communities, my two favourite subjects, and then suffered the consequences: me babbling at them for an hour and a half! I have no idea what I actually said and whether it was cogent, which is not unusual but this time it was recorded so I guess there will be some genuine embarrassment coming my way fairly soon.

The evening arrives along with tea and some new series, Hinterland. What an appalling advert for Wales. Grim, dour, grey and seriously unattractive unless you have a cemetery type hankering for half dead communities and dying farmscapes. Usual tortured main police person wading through blood, death and existential anxt. The only up side was that it was with out adverts so I was spared a parade of cancer propaganda and incontinence panty liner adverts. The only response left is to write the blog as everyone else disappears to bed and I am left to the solitude of the sofa office. Today I did not train because I got to the point where an ice cream mars bar was more appealing than a cold shed.

Tired of being a reasonable rational adult I want what I want and I want it now.