Saturday and I wake to SNOW, the first of the year, and its blowing cold. So a warm drink in bed while watching the snow and then its time to get up. While my partner cooks breakfast I load up my pill boxes for the next two weeks. Breakfast is good and leads to a chat about what we need to do to resolve the pantry cock up that means we have no main meals in the fridge. So as a priority we derive to the local garden centre butches to pick up a couple of meals. Its cold but the sleet has stopped and the roads are clear. Once home having had to take a detour to a locally closed road I set about putting the evening meal into the crockpot. Then its time to do the Christmas cards. I go through my list and my address book. This is an annual ritual where I realise who I have lost contact with and who has died. As a result my Christmas card list is getting shorter. In the world of cyber communication it almost seems impolite to ask for peoples real addresses so I have a group of people who will only get an electronic card. I take a trip to the post box and deliver my Christmas cards into the safe keeping of the Royal Mail. I catch the end of the women’s Barbarian match, which is followed by a special news conference by Boris about the new COVID variant. So its all back into masks and testing the incoming. Having watched the presentation it was time to prepare the rest of the evening meal. My evening was Strictly, of course and then a film about the true story of how a crooked american bank that was laundering drug cartel money was brought down. Another day I have failed to train. I end up the day feeling frustrated and unreasonably irritable.

Water always overcomes