Wednesday and I am up early to move my car so that my partner can go to work! I have an early breakfast and take a call from a friend before settling into my 9 0’clock meeting. It is a review meeting with the programme manager, it goes well. I then spend the next three hours trying to get the materials I need to deliver a training session in three hours time. The materials I want are blocked by the Share Point so I have to ask colleagues to email the material. I am fortunate and my colleague obliges. I find time to put a meal in the Crock Pot A quick lunch and then I am back in front of the screen delivering my session. It goes quite well and the attendees are talkative and join in. At the end of the session I feel quite pleased and glad I got through it okay.
My evening is a mixture of football, Shetland and Christmas organisation. I finally get to the blog but I am wiped out and it is an effort, it is such a difference from last week when I had the energy to write creatively. Tomorrow I have a team meeting to attend, the thought is draining.