Monday rolls round again but on this Monday my partners mother gets released from the care home where she was recuperating from a hospital stay. So straight after breakfast my partner goes off to meet her mother and I get ready for a meeting. The meeting went okay I think but its up to others now to take the work discussed forward. At the end of the business part of the meeting a colleague and I chatted football and more general issues around our work. Time for lunchtime soup and then I get myself ready to train in the shed. I hit the bike and do an hour. Its a reasonable session.

Straight to the bath, fit a new better fitting plug and then indulge in a bath bomb seaweed bath. I intended to read but find myself just soaking, enjoying the warmth whilst watching the films in my minds eye. My partner returned and apparently the return of her mother has gone well, which is a relief to all of us. We will collectively hold our breathe and see how things go.

The evening includes takeaway as a celebration at her mothers return to home and of course as its Monday there is Tesco delivery to take in. After that I take the time to write the blog, I would normally watch “Unforgiven”, which I rechristened “Remembered”, but tonight there is Megan Markel’s interview with Opra Winfrey playing in the background. As a working class white male, failed by the education system I find it tricky listening, empathy for anyone who is oppressed by the system but slightly sanguine about a lifestyle that is materially very comfortable. Not that the rich do not suffer, they clearly do, its the exhibition of it and the plea for compassion and understanding that the really disadvantaged have not got the opportunity or luxury to do, they just have to get on and survive the best they can. Time to finish the blog and read. I mark time till the end of March when I stop shielding and in April I get my second vaccination jab, at that point the world will be my COVID mollusc.

Somewhere over …