PHASE II A.G.A.I.G. DAY 268Wednesa

Wednesday and I am up fairly early for breakfast and a morning of mopping up chores and get ready for an afternoon meeting. There are calls to answer and make. By late morning I decide not to go to the gym but opt instead to get into the garage and row for an hour. Its cold in the garage and I settle into a rhythm, it goes well and thanks to blue tooth head phones I am also able to take a call. The session goes well, very well and I end up rowing a personal best. Not something I have done for a while.

A new personal best, go me!

I get myself back to the lounge where I find a letter waiting for me, its a real treat and I settle down with a coffee to read it. Such a treat, it reminds me that I have outstanding correspondence to write and think about time in the shed over the rest of the week. I change out of my kit and have lunch and then do some final preparation for my meeting. I dial in and spend time talking to one of my services and then picking up the admin that resulted from the meeting. Mr Amazon delivers a couple of parcels for me. The first is ear plugs. I very occasionally experience hearing what sounds like a computer trying to back up. I suspected tinnitus but found that if I put my finger in my ear it stopped. I deduct that I therefore do not have tinnitus but do hear some sort of persistent household noise, so I will give ear plugs a go next time this annoying phenomenon occurs. The second surprise package was a book, an early Christmas present from a friend. I was intrigued and immediately started to read it and was gripped. Books, Japanese culture and talking cat, right up my alley.

My early Christmas present, its fab.

I read for quite a while and before I know it, its time for tea and background TV wall paper until Shetland. However for a while we thought we had lost my partners mother on her journey from the hospital that she left at 6 o’clock and had not arrived home at gone past 9 o’clock. As I was phoning ambulance services to try and track her down she happily turned up at home. It had been a long day for the 93 year old, there has got to be a better way to do this. I write the blog and drift into thinking about tomorrow’s early meeting, when I can get to the gym and the evening out to see Collabro. Behind all this is the awareness that this is a pre jab week and that on Sunday I will start to pre load with paracetamol in preparation for the jab on Monday. Must remember to collect the jab from the chemist.

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