Tuesday, I sleep okay and wake up late, or at least later than usual. Before I can leap from my bed I get a call from a friend and we have a chat about how COVID is going and how fatiguing recovery is. It is a slow process to recovery especially with a family to be provided for. I get up and go for kippers for breakfast, a good choice, I’ve not had them for years. So breakfast done I’m off to the shed to write and to once again fill the squirrel feeder. My squirrels eat all day and appear not to put weight on, I wish I knew how they do that. I spend the morning writing letters and by lunchtime I am done.

A trip to the post box and then there is a meal to get into the Croc Pot for tonight’s meal. I throw in the ingredients and set the controls to the heart of the sun and then read an award report in preparation for another meeting tomorrow. I realise as I skim through my documents that it is November adn that means there needs to be an October invoice. I set about preparing my invoice for work and when done I send it off to my manager and the team. I am left wondering if it will get paid in time for Christmas. A couple of hospital providers ring me up in my response to my enquiries about PSA tests. One is not doing them at the moment while the other one will charge me £85 but I have to be referred by my GP. One of them pointed out that my GP could refer me to the nhs hospital where my oncologist practices who would then do it for free. At some point in the afternoon my youngest daughter sends me a picture of Lush’s Christmas Cinderella Coach bath bomb, gloriously pink adn sparkly. I pack my bag ready for the gym and put the bin out for tomorrows collection. My partner finishes work and we head for the gym.

Usually we buy water to drink while we train but we find the club bar and kitchen closed due to lack of staff. That’s poor service for a club. I change and find a cross trainer. I grind out a no water hour. On the ITV local news on the gym television I learn that two people were found dead with serious wounds in Desford. We had noticed the police at the house as we drove by the other day but had no idea why. e noticed because the guy who lived there always planted cosmos and sunflowers in front of his front fence. Always a splendid display. When we drove by he was digging them up. I guess there will be no cosmos and sunflowers next year. 727 calories burned and 8.29 kilometres before I escape to the showers.

Back home the meal is ready so we sit to eat once I’ve thrown my daughter out of my place on the sofa and got her to stow her boots and coat out of the lounge. Its great British bake off night tonight, caramel week. I watch it and then start the blog.

It wears a bit thin sometimes though when it happens all together.